Climate Change:
An Ongoing Health Threat

Our Mission

United by a shared commitment to the health and well-being of all Marylanders, our coalition of dedicated public health and medical professionals seeks to address climate change and environmental challenges by focusing on their impacts on public health.

We are working to educate, advocate, and build strong partnerships towards a healthier, more sustainable future for Maryland. Healthy Climate Maryland is a coalition co-convened by the Maryland Public Health Association and the Maryland League of Conservation Voters.

Climate Impacts in Maryland

Vulnerable Populations

Certain populations are disproportionately impacted due to unequal exposure and their limited ability to respond to climate risks.

While climate change creates risk for all Marylanders, certain populations are disproportionately impacted due to unequal exposure and their limited ability to respond to climate risks. These include children, older adults, pregnant people, communities of color, low-wealth communities, people with disabilities and chronic health conditions, and those living in climate-sensitive geographies, such as rural, coastal, and flood-prone areas. Some of these vulnerabilities are due to unequal social structures and disparate access to opportunity.

The following examples illustrate the disproportionate impacts climate change has on the health of certain populations.

Upcoming Events

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